Monday 18 January 2010

Life Etc.

uiI know it’s been a while since I posted, settling in and trying to find some ways to occupy myself kind of took over. The house is more or less how we want it now, and I really love our little nest. I am now helping out an art gallery here in Lusaka with promotion and consulting with them on how to create crafts and merchandise. It’s all voluntary but I really enjoy it and the people I work with are great, I am learning so much, there’s more on the gallery on my other blog Scrapbook and Lusaka Art Scene. On top of that I have started to do some freelance writing which was kind of an accident, I write for a local magazine and then decided that if this magazine liked my writing, maybe others would too! All of this would be fairly straightforward if we had internet at home, but we don’t because it’s just too expensive in Zambia, so every time I want to send a piece, it’s off to the internet café. The lack of internet is really driving us both crazy. Regardless, I am coming up with lots of new recipes and articles and my food blog – So Eat is going strong, not enough visitors to monetize it yet though.
I think a pretty big issue for me has been trying to stay motivated when not working, I suppose it has made me resourceful and since we are in a country with very few craft supplies and we are trying to economise, it has been a great challenge to my creativity – in a good way. I also want to use this new landscape as inspiration for quilting and other needlework projects. Time to get back in the saddle!

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